EU Funding – Level 1
Kurs pohađalo: (14)
Course starts: 15.11.2016. and 17.11.2016. | Duration: 1 day (9 h)
This course will teach any individual and organization to position themselves in the process of the EU funding.
General Information:
This course is designed to give a general overview on the funding opportunities for Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as a practical workshop on how to get the funding.
Topics to be covered:
1. EU funds available /other donours
2. Financiang process – who are the main players
3. Rules and procedures
4. Parters/Consortiums – how to choose the right partners
5. Building a pipeline of projects
6. Bottom up approach – from idea to the project
Expectations and Goals
This will teach any individual and organization to position themselves in the process of the EU funding. It will help people and organizations build the pipeline of their projects as well as develop their own idea and try to realize it using public funding.
There is a possibility to pay the fee in two instalments.
The course will be held on 15th November from 9 am to 6 pm.
The course will be held on 17th November from 9 am to 6 pm.
Minimum number of participants for the course is 10.

Učestvovala sam na jednodnevnom treningu za pisanje EU projekata (EU Funding Level I). Moji utisci su izuzetno pozitivni. Konkretni primjeri vrste fondova na koje možemo aplicirati u BiH, sa nizom savjeta i korisnih linkova za dopunu našeg znanja, dodatno su istakli pozitivan utisak. Pored osnovnih znanja i vještina koje sam stekla u okviru treninga, a koje su od presudne važnosti za moje svakodnevne poslovne obaveze, posebno važan dio treninga je bila prezentacija ličnih ideja učesnika treninga za potencijalne EU projekte, kao i smjernice koje smo dobili od predavača iz renomirane B2EU Consulting agencije. Radujem se nastavku treninga EU Funding Level II.